IEI Blog | Education Leadership & Development

Catching Up with Superintendent Dr. George Philhower of Eastern Hancock Schools in Charlottesville, IN

Written by Dr. George Philhower | September 16, 2024

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in education leadership?

I knew I wanted to be an educator from a young age–a choice deeply influenced by my own early academic struggles. My commitment to working with kids solidified as a college student when I spent my summers at a children's home for students who had a rough time. I began my career as a special education teacher and found immense fulfillment in helping students with unique challenges succeed academically and personally. Over time, my passion for making a difference grew, leading me to seek roles where I could have a broader impact.

Q: If you could describe your leadership style in three words, what would they be and why?

I’m not a rule follower, so there are some creative word combinations!
Connected around a shared mission - I work hard to foster a shared vision that unites people, building a community where everyone feels valued and essential to our success.

Growth-oriented: I believe in personal and professional development and try to empower individuals to improve daily.

Joy-filled—I am dedicated to creating an educational environment filled with smiles and memorable experiences, making learning fun and engaging for everyone involved. 

Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of during your tenure as a superintendent?

I am most proud of the work done every day at Eastern Hancock to deliver on our four district promises—Joy, Connection, Growth, and Success—every single day. We work hard to be a place where everyone feels like they belong. We take learning seriously, ensuring every student learns something new each day that they will remember and graduates feel confident and prepared for their next steps. And we do all of this while having a ton of fun! An example of our commitment to our dedication to our promises includes ‘'Joy Jam,” our annual summer conference focused on infusing educators with joy before they start the school year.

Q: What's the most unusual or memorable school event you've attended during your career?

At Eastern Hancock, we routinely work hard to create magical moments of joy for our students. These experiences enrich our curriculum and make our students’ educational journey memorable. Examples include:

Our annual ‘Everybody’s Birthday Day’, where we celebrate each student and staff member

A real reindeer visited our kindergarten students during their Polar Express project.
Passion Project Week is a time when our middle and high school classes pause to allow educators and students to engage in community-connected, passion-based projects.

Q: What do you believe are the biggest challenges facing education leaders today, and how do you approach overcoming them?

One of the biggest challenges facing education leaders today is the negative narrative surrounding our field. This negativity undermines educators' morale and communities' confidence in our educational systems. Moreover, it contributes to fewer people being interested in joining the profession and a troubling rate of teachers leaving the field. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort to elevate the fantastic things happening in our buildings daily. Education is a fantastic career field; some of the best people I know are educators. We need to ensure this message is loud enough that the negativity can’t be heard.

Q: Outside of work, what hobbies or activities do you enjoy that rejuvenate you for the demands of your role?

When I’m not at school, I enjoy spending time with my wife, Taylor, and our two kids, Ryleigh and Eli. I work out nearly every day, including training for and running two half-marathons each year. Whenever possible, I also enjoy playing golf.

Q: How has IEI helped you on your leadership journey?

IEI has been instrumental in my leadership journey by providing me with an opportunity to build a robust network of superintendent friends from across the country. The chance to connect with peers at various events has been invaluable. Additionally, IEI has facilitated partnerships that have significantly benefited our school. Each event and initiative I participate in with IEI has led to new professional learning. I am a better leader because of IEI and am truly grateful to be part of the IEI family.

Q: Finally, if you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

Walt Disney - A dinner with Walt Disney would offer an opportunity to delve into a visionary who created more than just cartoons and theme parks—he crafted magical experiences that have enchanted audiences worldwide. His revolutionary ideas in animation, storytelling, and customer experience transformed mere amusement into captivating, immersive worlds that people of all ages are eager to be part of.