IEI Blog | Education Leadership & Development

Love Takes Center Stage: Visibility and #ChosenFamily

Written by Herman Gomez | September 5, 2024

Anyone familiar with us knows we take #ieifamily very seriously. We invoke it at nearly every opportunity, including receptions during our national summits. Family means everything to us, and at our most recent event, I was fortunate enough to bask in a moment where queer families took center stage. 


Amidst colorful renditions of ABBA, Shaboozey, and other pop hits, a spouse took center stage and sang a melodic country ballad to his husband. For a moment, all eyes were on them; a moment of visibility that resonated deeply with everyone in the room, myself included. The warmth in the room was palpable. It was a beautiful reminder that our professional spaces, when truly inclusive, accept all families. It's in these moments of authenticity where we can be our full selves that the bonds of community strengthen. This brings me to the heart of what Pride Month means: Visibility and Chosen Family.


Family isn't just a hashtag; it's a living, breathing network of support that extends far beyond our professional circles. For many queer people, the process of cultivating a chosen family takes years. Still, the payoff of that work, investing that trust, is greater than any obstacles we encounter along the journey. This takes me back to that moment, being able to take a beat in a space where queer individuals can find camaraderie, belonging, and the freedom to love openly.


It's crucial to remember that not every LGBTQ+ person has this privilege—the support of a workplace or the warmth of a chosen family. Visibility matters because it creates a ripple effect. When we see our families celebrated, it sends a powerful message to those seeking similar spaces. It tells them they're not alone and that there's a community waiting to embrace them.


Pride Month may be over, but the opportunity to celebrate the karaoke nights, the shared laughter, and the quiet moments of connection is always open. I encourage everyone to continue fostering an inclusive culture where everyone feels safe to shine their brightest and never forget the power of visibility in creating a world where all love is celebrated.